
why is my blog called "Go For It"? i'm glad you asked.

For all the dear readers, this post is a tribute to my lovely blog title. Travel with me back in time...

"It was the best of times. It was the worst of times." Ok, it was not during the French Revolution that Charles Dickens writes about, but that seems to be a highly catchy (if overused) way to begin something. In any case, I have your attention. Please continue to read.

At the beginning of 2008 I was starting to correspond with a lovely girl. We had first become acquainted with each other on Facebook (as most relationships should begin). Together, we planned a road trip to a wedding in Arizona. I'm fairly certain the details of the trip have been shared to all of you who read this so I won't repeat it. After the road trip, I found her blog on the www. She said nice things about the trip and alluded to someone that I suspected to be me. I was intrigued with her blog because it dealt with happy thoughts in her life. I read all the posts. Our Facebook converstations and face-to-face conversations (yes, we had progressed to a face-to-face relationship at this point) were often focused on her blog and blogging. She suggested I should start my own blog to share my thoughts, gushy feelings, humorous anecdotes, and whatnot.

So I did.

I named my blog, "Go For It." The reasons:
1. I wanted to do what the girl suggested. Perhaps to impressive, but I don't remember.
2. I was unsure if I should date this cute girl because she lived forever away (so it seemed when driving home late at night).
3. I was also unsure if I should date her because she was a little older than me. Nothing scarier than older women, right?
4. As I was setting up my blog, I realized I shouldn't let anything stop me. "I should go for her," I thought. That would sound weird for a blog title. So, I changed "her" to "it" and dropped the first two words.

Yup. I talked myself into dating Lisa when I was setting up my blog. I may night post very often. But I'm very glad I went for it and started dating Lisa. I've never had more fun. I've never been on as many adventures. I've never been as secure of myself. And I've never been happier since I decided to "Go For It."

Happy birthday, Lisa! I'm going to keep going for you because you're my Schatje.


L.R.L said...

you are my "true loves kiss".

thank you sweet boy. I'm so glad you made the right choice :)

the mom said...

me too.

Anonymous said...

I thought I was your schatje???

Andrea, the little collector said...

What a lovely tribute to your lovely girl!