
sucked in

Lisa and I spent a little of our tax return on improving our bedding situation. The less visible upgrade is perhaps the most appreciated, in my opinion. We bought a memory foam pad for our mattress. Oh my goodness. For two mornings I could not escape the bed when my alarm went off. I fell back asleep as soon as I turned my alarm off. Yes, that may be a slight exaggeration, but my arm did not make it back onto the bed. Nope, it was left hanging off the side of the bed because I fell into another deep slumber as I tried to return my arm to the comfort of the bed. We've experienced some of the deepest sleep of our lives since we purchased that pad and enjoy sinking into oblivion every night.

Thought you might want to know.

1 comment:

Reading Family said...

A good bed is the best thing ever! Good luck with your getting-out-of-bed endeavors!