The funny thing is how I didn't like student teachers in high school because they weren't my real teacher. I had built such an intimate close relationship in the first week or two, then BAM! They come in and take control of the class trying to teach. I didn't sign up to be in THEIR class. How dare they? Actually, I can only remember one student teacher I had for a history class and of him only his red-headedness comes to mind. The others I've blocked very successfully from my memory.
And here I am. A student teacher. Currently, I'm at East Hollywood High School in West Valley. It's a charter school that's mainly a tv/video production school. That's awesome because my teaching emphasis is in multimedia (video editing, graphic design, 3D stuff). I'm teaching a video editing class and a stop motion animation class. Awesome, huh?
It almost makes me rethink my life when I remember how I used to view student teachers and realize that NOW I'm one of them. I came in and took over some classes, changing the rhythm that the students got accustomed to in the first weeks they had with the original teacher (who is an awesome teacher/mentor, by the way). However, I'm not going to rethink my life. Student teaching is only for one semester. JUST one semester with no time to work (thanks for supporting the family, Lisa!). JUST one semester of taking over classes and destroying students expectations for the class (good or bad).
So far it's easier and less stressful than an actual semester of classes on campus. It is much more entertaining. For example:
1. A few students daily wearing cloaks, capes, or robes from various medieval/fantasy influences.
2. A student wearing a white mask covering his entire head.
3. A student trying to glare me down in the hallway with her vampire eye contacts and fangs in place.
4. A friendly transvestite.
5. The student names Forrest, Raven, Kiel, and Ramse.
6. Club Friday when I can watch the LARPing club (live action role-playing, search the ol' www for examples) in action.
7. A faculty of about 15 teachers that create the atmosphere similar to that from the movie The School of Rock.
I think that's the partner school to the school Julianne taught at! Cool. I'm sure they will all survive a semester of COOL Mr. Lewis teaching. Bring on the fangs!
you bet.
p.s. I agree with Andrea. you're cool.
-the wife.
Andrea's right! That was my sister school! I'm so excited for you to get to work there. Of course, it's not quite as cool as Fast Forward, but it is such a great environment. Have so much fun and tell Eric hello for me. I am jealous. I'm sure they love you, because you're cool. Apparently, it's unanimous.
Tyler I love that you get to hang out with the LARP kids. Please write down EVERYTHING they say. I found your blog today. I like that you blog posts are short. I like that you drink your wife's water. But also I don't like that because you should take better care of her than that.
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